Thursday, December 1, 2005

Another ER visit

My day started out shitty. I definitely should have stayed in bed. Let's see. The first indication: breakfast. I was sitting there just minding my own business, eating my cereal. Then- here comes the cat. I picked him up to move him off the counter so he wouldn't try to drink the milk in my cereal. That was mistake number one. Do you ever get that feeling that as soon as you do something you know you shouldn't have-only it's two seconds too late? It happened all too fast. The cat's foot went into the cereal bowl and knocked it down. The milk and cereal spilled down the side of the counter, all over me, down the wall and all over the carpeting. Great. I sat there for probably 45 seconds before I could actually clean it up-and change into different clothes. At least it got me into the shower quick. I have continued to drop almost everything I have picked up today. Great-just don't give me anything fragile-or anything that I can spill.
Finally made a good dinner tonight. I made pork chops, mashed potatoes, applesauce....mmm. It was good. I also watched the Blue's Brothers. It was pretty good too.
Class was relatively uneventful. Tonight was Hazmat part B. Yeah. We learned about placards and using the ERG (Emergency Response Guide). Good times. That is one of my favorite past-times for car rides...especially long ones. Last summer I went to Manhattan and looked up all the tankers etc. along the way. It's pretty scary what is on the road with us. I knew when to speed up and get upwind :) I think I messed up my back even worse tonight. More later.
Yeah. My back is really bad. I just got back from the ER. Now the pain is radiating down my right leg, my left leg goes numb every once in a while, and I have pain in my hips and into my abdomen. This just sucks. I thought for sure I was going to get stuck being admitted but they were pretty generous to me-seeing as I am a medic :). I drove myself so they really couldn't do a whole lot for me. They gave me a shot of Toradol and a Valium (as a muscle relaxant) for the road. Then I sat at Walgreen’s- well more like wandered around because it hurts too much to sit for very long- for 45 minutes waiting for my prescriptions. The ER doctor gave me Oxycontin, more Norco, and Valium until I see my doctor again. I'm not supposed to see him until the 13th, but I have a bad feeling I will be seeing him much sooner. Dammit.
I am finally home and ready to just relax. I plan on watching "Paramedics" on Discovery health channel and doing some word find puzzles. I might even play Snood for a while or look over my Hazmat stuff. I can't believe I graduate in 12 days. Wow.
It's almost kind of scary realizing that I am going to be a real-live firefighter in less than two weeks. Crazy in fact. I really just can't get over this. We take our Mod C test and the Hazmat Awareness test on the same day. That will probably suck a little bit. Oh well.
I'm really getting excited about next semester. I plan on going back to being a full time student (along with working full time). I signed up for several classes already. I will be taking two online classes: Intro to Sociology and United States History to 1876. I will also be taking classes on campus: Intro to Ballet I, Jazz Technique I, Abnormal Psychology, and Mythology and Fairy tales (English). It seems like a lot, but I figure that the dance classes really don't count because they aren't really classes. They are more just for fun. I pray that my back will be recovered by then. I will need to work really hard in physical therapy to be ready by January 18th when classes start. I think the dance will help me a lot with my poise and balance-maybe make me feel a bit more like a woman-which I think is very important.
I love to indulge my feminine side. Believe it or not I get my nails done every once in a while-tips and all with a French manicure. It does sometimes prove to be a pain after training or a messy call because I'm a little obsessive compulsive about the cleanliness of my hands (and nails). My bedroom is even painted pink, and all my decorations are girly and flowery. I guess since my job is so masculine I need somewhere to express myself (my other side I suppose).

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