After wandering for a bit, we decided to visit the Empire State Building. Very nice. It was absolutely beautiful. We went to the lookout on the 86th floor, and then paid the extra $14 to go to the 102nd floor. I could have stayed up there all day. I got a really weird photo from the 102nd floor; I was facing in the general direction of ground zero, trying to take a picture of the rays of sun breaking through the clouds over the city. This is what it looked like:

If you can see to the left there are two things that look like towers. Once I got a really close look at the picture on the computer I realized that it was the reflection of the windows. But, when I took the picture, I thought for sure it was a sign from God. It looked like the twin towers. They were just to the left or east of where the reflections are in this picture. Very creepy. All I kept saying was, "holy shit." I just knew I needed to get to Ground Zero and say some prayers.
Our next stop was Ground Zero. The sight was upsetting. To me, it is sacred. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I was crying the whole time I was there. What upset me the most was how people could just walk by like nothing ever happened. They reopened the subways below and people are back to their normal way of life, not taking a second glance, or even a fleeting thought of the lives lost. Then there were the people that were gung-ho and taking pictures and video taping so they could say that they were there. I just felt like it was so disrespectful.
After about 45 minutes I had to leave. I couldn't look at the gaping hole anymore.
We went out for dinner a while later, and I had had a few too many drinks. We walked around lower Manhattan well into the evening. Eventually, the drinks caught up with me. I had to go to the bathroom really, really bad. We wandered forever, and knowing Manhattan, realized that I wasn't going to find a bathroom. What I did find was a construction site. It had an outhouse; and I used it...sneaking in with a little penlight in hand, going as quickly as possible without falling in the toilet, and running out without even having my pants completely up. It was disgusting, but a toilet none-the-less.
We managed to get back to the subway, back to Penn station, and back to Long Island. It was a long day, but a good one. I have a very deep love for this city. I'm not quite sure why. I just love the way that it is always busy, there is always something going on. It is not so in Chicago-it actually does "sleep." I'm in it for the action. We may go back tomorrow, I'm not sure yet.
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