Today was relatively busy. We did several psych bounces. We did a call for a toothache and, of course, the patient wanted to go to a hospital 40 miles away. It never fails.
We did an ALS MRI-nothing special.
We had a guy that we were called to for a "psych," but when we got on scene, it wasn't. The guy was off his meds-insulin mainly. We checking his glucose, which was fine. He was complaining about itching and sores all over. He showed me one on his arm and that was enough for me. I was itching all night. They were little nodules and he was scratching them so much that he was making them bleed. Yuck. He thinks it is from his job, but I'm sorry, from what I saw, it looked like he had scabies. I was just disgusted. It was funny because after dropping the guy off in the ER, I was standing at the nurses station finishing my report, and the doctor walked out of the room with a disgusted look on his face and was scratching his arm and neck. Ha. It's not just me :).
We actually got about three hours of sleep before we got our next call. It was a priority coming out of an ER. When that happens, it is either a) cath lab, or b) peds. This time it was a baby. It was funny because my partner and I were just talking about peds and how we both get them all the time. We got on scene and found out that the baby had a GI bleed and every time she would pass blood (there wasn't even any stool-it was all blood) she would get lethargic and nod off. They said her heart rate had been in the 200s, but she was at about 130 for us. During the ride my partner said that she would get sleepy and her heart rate would drop into the eighties.
It didn't take long to get to Children's Hospital. I was running hot and on a highway. You can put two and two together. We dropped her off around 0630 and finally returned to quarters at 0750-just in time for shift change.
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