Today was interesting to say the least. It started off slow, then I got one patient, dropped them off, and went back for three more. All of them schizophrenics. And I didn't have a medivan today. I had a car. Go figure.
One lady was loud and always pissed off. The other couldn't shut up for the life of her and couldn't keep to herself so she was pissing everyone off. And the funny part is that I can't leave any of them in the car when I go into a nursing home or anything, so to drop one off, I have to bring them all inside. It got crazy to say the least. I dropped the first two off without a problem. Then when I cleared to take the last patient, my dispatcher called and said they changed where he was going, and he was supposed to go to one of the places I had just gone earlier...of course on the other side of the city. I take him back there, the whole time he's flirting with me and I was disgusted. He kept calling me "Peaches." I just kept turning the radio up so I didn't have to hear him. We get there and they tell me they aren't taking him, to take him to the original destination. I call dispatch and they have to call the hospital and straighten things out. I had already been half way to the original facility he was supposed to go to-a good hour or so out of the city. The change in destination nursing home called the patient's doctor and the doctor said he was supposed to go to the out of city nursing home. I called my dispatcher to figure out what to do. I waited at the second nursing home for nearly an hour before it was figured out. He went to the place in the city. I had to rewrite paperwork 5 times. Four because of the mix-up with the destination, and the fifth time because I had the patient sign, and instead he writes his phone number down and says, "call me, I'll be waiting for you. I love you Peaches." And he tore the page in half so of course I couldn't turn it in. But when I got back to base my operations' manager definitely got a kick out of it. All I wanted to do was take a hot shower. Needless to say, it took forever! The worst part was when I took him up to the floor. He went to the north wing with a staff member to his room. I went to the south wing to go to the nurse's station. I got my signature and went to the elevator. I'm waiting there and it's taking absolutely forever, and guess who comes up beside me with no warning? My damn patient! Before I knew it he came way too close for comfort, grabbing me in a hug and not letting go for what felt like forever, then starts kissing me on the cheek and trying to get my lips! I'm freaking out and trying to get out of his hold, which he finally lets go of. Then he says, "when are you going to come visit me? Are you going to bring pop and chicken?" I just said I go to that place all the time-end of story. The elevator comes and he's like, "I love you peaches. You look like peaches and cream." *shudders* So not how I wanted to end the day. No way in hell.
Then as I was driving on the south side (not such a nice place), I was on a major street, but it also runs straight through the ghetto. I was at a stoplight, and I mean for the area, there are always people standing on the street, throwing up gang signs, wearing their colors, etc., so I didn't think much of it. Well the next thing I know a group of guys are running across the street, I hear the "POP POP POP" of gunfire, and I hit the gas and blow through a red light. If I wouldn't have blown the light, I would have been shot. They continued firing back at each other while I was in the intersection trying to get the hell out of there. I'm truly considering buying a bullet-proof vest. I know I'm a medic and not a cop, but seriously we go into places that are just as bad as the cops do, and I DON'T have a gun. Ugh. I'm not going to risk getting shot in the ghetto again. I'd rather wear a damn vest.
I'm so glad to be done with the day today. It was too stressful and I'm still shaken up. I wish my neighbors were home because I'd go smoke with them and have a drink.
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