Well it's been an interesting week for sure. I worked on the service car for several days last week. On Friday I started on the service car but ended up being pulled onto a critical care ambulance so it wouldn't go out of service. One of the partners called off, and it's our only critical care ambulance. I switched into it around 0900. That was nice because I would prefer to be actually doing my job than acting more or less like a taxi service.
It was interesting during the day because we had to have a 3rd rider at all times since I'm not supposed to be lifting that much weight yet. We switched out four times. We only did a few calls during the day, nothing too major. They asked me if I could stay until 1900...I was supposed to be off at 1600. I said sure because I needed the hours. We went back to base to switch out the 3rd rider again and so that I could get off, so I turned in my paperwork and was ready to head for my car. My manager was like "where are you going?" I said, "um...home, where I live." She proceeded to tell me, "oh, he didn't tell you? You're on until 0600." What the hell? So I figured whatever, the overtime is good and the chance to get some more money making calls. And I got a gift card and made upper management happy because they didn't have to worry about not having a critical care rig up for the day.
Night time was interesting. We got called way south for a patient on a ventilator needed transport to a children's hospital. We got there, going lights and sirens for 50 miles...the kid was on a drip that we couldn't take....one of the very few we can't take. We had other options to give them, such as giving boluses to keep the patient sedated but they didn't like the options. We went back and forth and eventually didn't end up taking the child. I'm glad I risked my life for that. Whatever. We had to wait there for the ambulance crew with an RN and MD from the hospital to come and we handed off care. I couldn't sleep for my life that night, and I spent most of it driving anyways.
I ended up getting off an hour late, so 0700. I came home, picked some stuff up and went to bed. I couldn't get up for anything. Mind you I haven't worked shift work in over three months, let alone 4 days in a row....8+10+8+25=a lot of hours. I was supposed to go see family but ended up cancelling. I seriously stayed in bed through the day on Sunday. Then it was back to work on Monday.
I've been back on service car. Joy joy. Yesterday I had two smelly psych patients at once going to a facility 9 miles from where I picked them up...and mind you this is 9 miles through the city. Not cool. I was gagging. It wasn't too busy of a day but I was still really tired when I got home. I still had to run errands, do laundry, and cook dinner. Thankfully my boyfriend did the laundry so it wasn't as bad.
Today I was on service car again. It was crazy busy. I did 9 calls in 5 hours...nonstop. I had time to grab a coffee at Starbucks at one point. That was it. I went to go pick up uniforms since I don't have enough (they only take up half of my closet), and when I got there, they weren't done. The patches weren't put on. And I ordered them on Friday. Apparently they're overnight shipping them to my station. Yay. It still cost me almost an hour of my time driving there and back in rush hour.
By the time I got home I was beat, but still ended up going to the gym, baking fresh bread, making rice, and brownies, cleaning, and packed lunches for tomorrow for both my boyfriend and myself. Yesterday I made Jambalaya in the slow cooker, so we had that for dinner. It's nice that I really didn't have to cook much today. Now it's off to bed for another long day tomorrow.
Honestly I don't know how people work 9-5 jobs five days a week and don't go insane. I hate it! I just want my shift work back. I have no life working like this. I like working two days a week! I'm counting down the days until Saturday like a mad person. Two work days down, three to go. *sigh*
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